Congratulations on involving your child in HUSTL sports!
Expectations for HUSTL Parents
The very existence of HUSTL, Inc. depends on a system of parental volunteerism. We don't have a paid staff. If a parent doesn't do it, it doesn't get done, no matter how important the task. Therefore, parents are expected to volunteer.
Each team has essential positions that need to be filled. It takes more than one parent per team to do tasks during games such as line judge, clock, scorebook, etc. so that one person doesn't have to do it every single game and miss out on watching their own child play. There are other positions essential to putting on a successful season which affect all the teams and families in that sport. Every family needs to be willing to be either a coordinator or a helper in one of those positions, again with the goal of spreading the load.
Parental volunteerism is the only way we can make HUSTL work and keep it going from year to year without overburdening and burning out families. If there are needs or special circumstances that would hinder your volunteering, please contact a Board member.
Parents are expected to ensure that athletes arrive at all practices and games on time. Parents must see that coaches are notified as soon as possible before the practice/game if their child will be unable to attend or will be late. Exceptions will be made for emergencies and sudden illnesses, but coaches need to be notified so they can alter their plans.
Expectations For Players
Athletes are expected to strive to:
- Practice and play with diligence.
- Cultivate a good attitude and team spirit.
- Conduct themselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ.
- Be respectful of the authorities God has placed over them.
- Be on time.
- Have good attendance: players should inform the coach in advance if possible about unavoidable absences.
- Take good care of the HUSTL uniform. Uniforms are to be worn only for pictures and games.
- Demonstrate enthusiasm for the team.
- Listen to and obey the coaches.
- Dress modestly.
- Use speech that encourages the other players, both on the HUSTL team and the opposing team.
- Handle interpersonal problems biblically and privately rather than gossiping about people to others.
All athletes must refrain from the following:
- Foul and abusive language and behavior.
- Displays of temper (including throwing, hitting or kicking an object).
- Demeaning comments to, or yelling at, referees, coaches, HUSTL parents or players, fans and players on the opposing team.
- Gossiping about other players and coaches