HUSTL, Inc. Board of Directors
The Board exists to organize and oversee the sports that belong to HUSTL, Inc. The Board holds monthly meetings, distributes and collects registration forms, determines and collects registration fees, keeps minutes and financial records for the corporation, collects and disburses monies for the corporation, recruits and votes on organizational leaders, guides and assists organizational leaders with issues, creates and enforces HUSTL, Inc. policies, and encourages participation and conflict resolution. The Board has the right to retain or release any athlete or any person in an organizational position based on adherence to HUSTL, Inc. policies. The Board creates and sustains the structure for a competitive, Christian, sports environment that home-educated students would not otherwise have the opportunity to experience. The Board exists to serve the organization in a Christ-like manner.
HUSTL, Inc. Board Member Responsibilities
The HUSTL, Inc. Board of Directors embody dual functions. As well as being Board members who create and enforce the policies and structure of the organization, at least four of the Board members also function as officers of the corporation. Board members are recruited from families participating in HUSTL, Inc. but are not limited to those specific families. Persons expressing interest in serving will each write out their Christian testimony and submit it, along with a statement as to what they would like to offer in leadership with HUSTL, Inc.
Additionally, each candidate must be in agreement with the Statement of Faith and sign a copy of it. The present Board members will consider each candidate, and vote. Each Board member serves a 2-year term, with additional terms possible, up to five years or as needed. Terms are served on a staggered basis. A term begins on July 1st, the beginning of the corporation's fiscal year, with the new Board members being invited to the June meeting.
The offices of the corporation are rotated among the Board members on an annual basis as needed or desired. These offices include Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, and Treasurer. Other Board members hold the title "At Large" which is not an office of the corporation. At the May meeting, offices or titles for each Board member will be decided on for the following fiscal year which begins July 1st, with the offices expiring June 30th, the end of the fiscal year.